Big Dig (Dig Dug clone)

The discord threatened to do terrible things to me if I didn’t make a post here

I made a dig dug clone for practice! Generally the same, but changed to include weight gain, vore and inflation.

It’s not the most polished and I had more ideas for things to add, but I intended it to be a practice game and at just under a month I think I’m ok with it. In hind sight making several sets of sprites for different weight stages was a time sink.

Something else to note is the sprites were made for a much larger resolution (640x640 instead of 64x64) back when I was planning to zoom in more on the player, but ended up deciding it didn’t work with the game play and zoomed back out.



do you plan on releasing a download version? I’m on Chrome and the game can’t even load, it’s laggy. the game looks good tho


The truth is that this game is very interesting


Now I just hope someone will make a version with human characters…

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I’ve gotten a couple requests for that, I’ll see about putting a downloadable tonight

Really liked this game, I feel like you did a really great job on balancing the point system, and all the different ways the enemies and player interact with each other. Although I didn’t care for how zoomed out it was at first, I understand now that that was a good call; it really adds a lot to the dig dug vibe and fits this type of game well.

Also it’s really nice getting to see all the spites in their full-res glory!! It’s discouraging when you dump so much time and effort into something and most of it doesn’t even show in the end. So I’m really glad we get to see all of your amazing artwork and animations on here at least!

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Welcome to the forum, Durr!


This brings back memories from a little plug-and-play console I had as a kid

Although, I do remember the score per monster increasing depending on the depth you popped them at


this is so goood! i love it =D

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That’d be good -if I was going to work on this more I’d probably make the progression more ‘tougher enemies with more reward’ and less ‘amount of enemies gradually becomes unplayable’

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desktop version added!

This is pretty good! My only real complaint is how small everything is. I might make the map size smaller and/or increase the game resolution a bit so the sprites and characters are more visible, so we can see the art that went into this better.

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This game is pretty awesome, however the map size is too big. I still like this game though!

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Hey! This is really nice for a little practice game! Works perfectly and the spritework is really nice.

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Cute little it runs pretty good and the artwork is great I just wish there were more monster in the game but beside that I love this game.

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I wont repeat my feelings about the game itself since I said all I wanted to say on the discord, but I WILL post my high score! I got to level 11 and I dare you to beat me!



can’t let someone beat me at my own game…

definitely noticed a major flaw in the gameplay loop though- at a certain point the enemy count just gets too high to be manageable in the time limit (already knew that), but you still keep points from a failed round and if you get high enough, you can easily get the points for an extra life each round. So the game becomes less trying to clear the level and more trying to clear enough enemies before time runs out


A very cute game even if just a little practice.
The assets are very nice, it may have been a time sink but defo could be a nice start if you wanted to expand upon it!

Also love there is just a dedicated smooch button, very cute~

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Really great and adorable game, Hefty! I am a big fan of your work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I was noticing around Level 11 where there were a couple times where my character was bloating up with weight even though I didn’t see a slime nearby, or I bloated up two stages when only facing one slime.

I also noticed where the enemies would sometimes get stuck in the center of the map.

Idea/observations: Instead of being able to eat Immobilized dragons, you could make them a (slowly) pushable obstacle like boulders from Dig Dug (push and squish enemies, block pathways).

Difficulty increase: start making Slime weight not wear off immediately on stage end. Perhaps instead only loose one level of weight at a time.

You’ve got a nice start to a fun little game. It would be nice to see this developed a little further.

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